ref : 6822 añadido 28 de junio de 2024
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3 semana(s)
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Richard Wilson - offsetpromachinery
leeds - Reino Unido
Size: 72 x 102cm, CPC 1 03, CP Tronic, Alcolor Dampening, Baldwin Refrigeration System, Stream Feeder, Double Sheet & Side lay Detector, Chromed Impression Cylinders, Quick Release Clamps, Bacher Pin Register, IR Dryer Grafix, Powder Sprays Grafix Exactomat, Machine with Standard Compressors, 105 million impression...
Size: 48 x 65 cm(Post Drupa Model), CP TRONIC, CPC 1.02, ALCOLOR dampening, High Pile Delivery with Infra-Red Dryer, Baldwin Refrigeration, Grafix Exactomat Powder spray , Perfector, 75 million impressions count.
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