Ref : 6129 Dodano 10 listopada 2022
Zapytania 0 z 8
Balter - CGO
La Plaine-sur-Mer-44770 - Francja
CP Bourg 3002
Year 2015
690 000 at counter
PUR Nordson
CMT 130
Year 2014
Three side trimmer
Both machines in good condition.
● - clamp: 1 ● - gluing: PUR (Nordson) ● - milling section: with extraction ● - milling depth: adjustable ● - Adapts all features automatically to the thickness of each job ● - Binds from 1 to 60 mm (0.04 to 2.36 in) ● - User-friendly industrial grade color touch screen ● - Check that the cover has been taken ● ● - Full...
Model BB 3102 PUR ● Built 2017 ● Max book size: 38,5 x 38 cm, Nordson PUR system, Bourg BBL book block loader to load up to 120 books for binding, Continues book bock feeder, Speed ca. 400 books per hour, Automatic variable thickness processing, Missing Cover Detection, Paper dust collector, Incorporated Side Gluing....
used sheeter 1400 mm/55" ● single unwinder ● 2011 ● video by request ● #sheeter, #taglierinadabobina, #resmadora, #przekrawacz, #hojeadora, #querschneider, #rezačkypapíru, #decoupeuse, #wizmachinery, #przekrawaczdopapieru, #cortadora, #rebobineusedepapier, #slitting, #paper, #industrialmachine, #rolltosheets,...
Configuration: FSFi (fast feed), 6 insert stationsgood condition without any damageEnvelope formats: DL - C5Speed: bis zu 7.000 Takte/h
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