Ref : 7316 Eklendi 28 Ağustos 2024
Sorular 0 of 8
Illinois - Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
(+1 847-250-2233)
Size : 72 x 102 cm, PRESET PLUS FEEDER, PRESET DELIVERY, CP 2000 Center, AUTOPLATE, Automatic size setting , ALCOLOR dampening with Vario, Ink Temperature Control, Technotrans CombiStar Central Refrigeration, ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders), Chromed Cylinders, Grafix Exactronic Plus, steel plate in feeder and delivery, Eltex antistatic system, AirStar Pro Air supply cabinet, Perfector 4/0 -2/2, 75 million impression count.
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