参考 : 10359 添加 2024年11月23日
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Balter - CGO
La Plaine-sur-Mer-44770 - 法国
We can propose :
Year 1990
45 500 working hours
Micrometric rectif
Max. paper length 102 cm
Max. paper width 72 cm
Min. paper length 40 cm
Min. paper width 30 cm
Speed 7 500 sh/h
Pressure : 250 tons
Non stop feeder
2 chases
Micrometric preparation table
More than 11 000 euros maintainance have been made last year.
Machine in excellent condition ; can be seen running.
Manufacturer: DCM SPAG S.A.; ● Age: 1993 ● Type: two shaft rewinding machine ● Maximum width: 1400 mm ● Maximum speed: 400 m/min ● Max. rewinding diameter: 600 mm ● Max. unwinding diameter: 1000 mm
2 Station 4 bagsvertical pile feeder1 station with 4 bags
Vega 650 Folding gluing machine ● Year 1995 ● Crash lock bottom ● With right pre-folding device ● HHS gluing system model year 2010 with 3 nozes (possible 4) and down wheels. ● 4 or 6 corners
Investment table with tabulator 98 x 60 cm
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