ref : 7315 aggiunto 28 agosto 2024
Messaggi 0 di 8
Illinois - Stati Uniti
(+1 847-250-2233)
Size 36 x 52 cm, Classic Center, single sheet feeder, Photoelectron. Double sheet control, DDS film dampenings, Technotrans Alpha-d Refrigeration System, Quick plate clamping bars, Dry sprayer, Plus version, 31 million impressions, Plate Punch, Including Tools, Manuals and Accessories
Size : 72 x 102 cm, PRESET PLUS FEEDER, PRESET DELIVERY, CP 2000 Center, AUTOPLATE, Automatic size setting , ALCOLOR dampening with Vario, Ink Temperature Control, Technotrans CombiStar Central Refrigeration, ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders), Chromed Cylinders, Grafix Exactronic Plus,...
Size : 52 x 74 cm,Prinect Press Center, AUTOPLATE, PRESET High Pile Delivery, ALCOLOR dampening, Technotrans Refrigeration, ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders), Weko Powder Spray, Pallet feeder and delivery, Electronic double sheet and side lays control, Antistatic, speed 15.000 Sheet...
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