参考 : 10346 添加 2024年10月18日
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Ahmet Karakus - Graphische Okkasionen Karakus
Wassenberg - 德国
(+49- (0) 2432-98 595-0)
Electronic double sheet control IonizatorTECHNOTRANS refrigeration + circulationExtended DeliveryDensitometer TechkonAutomatic roller and blanket wash-up devicesROLAND dampening systemStraight machine RCI-2 Ink Control Remote job cardNon-stop feeder and deliveryElectronic side lay control CCI colour regulationInk temp controlGRAFIX HITRONIC S powder sprayerQuick action plate clamps
Extended deliveryIonizatorDensitometer TechkonCCI colour regulationElectronic side lay control Non-stop feeder and deliveryRCI-2 Ink Control Remote job cardStraight machine ROLAND dampening systemAutomatic roller and blanket wash-up devicesInk temp controlGRAFIX...
Size: 72x102cm, Preset Feeder and Preset Delivery, CP 2000 with Intellitrax X Rite Color Control, AUTOPLATE (Automatic Plate Change), PRESET (automatic Size Setting), ALCOLOR dampening, Technotrans Central Refrigeration (for dampening and ink temperature control), ALL Automatic washers (blanket and rollers), Steel...
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