参考 : 6729 添加 2024年5月3日
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Ahmet Karakus - Graphische Okkasionen Karakus
Wassenberg - 德国
(+49- (0) 2432-98 595-0)
4 bags in the second stationlow pile feederMBO Vacustarcontinuous/streem delivery4 bags in the first station
Noise Protection HoodSheet size min: 170 x 200 mmthe machine has water damage possible inspectionwithout deliverySheet size max: 960 x 1450 mmPockets: 4xFeeder Mode: Pallets pile feederwe sell the machine as a spare part donationThe machine has water damage as it is possible to...
Pockets: 4x second unitFeeder Mode: Flat pile feederControl unit: MBO Navigator-ControlNoise Protection HoodSheet size max: 960 x 1450 mmSheet size min: 170 x 200 mmPockets: 4x in first unit without deliverywe sell the machine as a spare part donationMax. mechanical speed:...
4 bags in the second stationControl unit: MBO Navigator-Controvertical pile feederControl unit: MBO MPC-ControlMC controlmobile knife unit4 bags in the first station16 pages
Pallet feeder ● 1st unit BUH 66/6 buckles ● 2nd unit BUH 66/4 buckles ● Digital navigator ● Fully automatic bickles and cylinders settings ● Anti-noise cover ● Presser SBP 66 delivery
Heidelberg Stahlfolder TD 78/4/4/2 with presser ● Pallet feeder ● 1st unit 78/4 ● 2nd unit 78/4 ● 3rd unit 66/4 ● presser ● anti-noise covers
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